Sayang the one eye cat

This cat was spotted with one eye closed. On further investigation and enquiry, the cat was rescued as it is from Kepong area. He kept coming close to Dr Veera and immediate arrangements was made to have it sent to clinic.

Sayang was operated and remants of eyeball inside was removed. It could be due to injury fights with other cats or infection.

Dr Veera sponsored the operation, neuter and I sponsored the vaccination and the staying of two nights. Thanks to Dr Edmund who already said was a special price too. God bless .

Ssayang being examined by doctor. the right eye half open

This is sayang after surgery and neutering. I visited him at the no kill santuary  and he was super fine.

He could remember me and come running to me from afar. He appreciates.. hehaha…

Sayang is really superfine after surgery.My 3rd visit to him


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