Syedina and Tam Tam

Tam tam and little syedina

Syedina the little kitten picked up from restoran Syed is still to be adopted.

Meantime, little Syedina had been lonely in the cage and I decided to put her with Tam Tam and Ting Ting (2 black cats also rescued). Tam Tam is my first black cat that spurred me to do more for the cats instead of just doing for the dogs. I was very “lost” when Tam tam (whom I had been feeding only) came to me after my return from Kampung after the chinese new year. To cut the story short, I remember that someone had told me that a Dr Chan Kah Yein of myanimalcare.orgĀ  is passionate on animals and especially on cats. I searched for the leaflet which my neighbour gave me and I called her.. and the rest was history.. Tam Tam is a very special cat..She acts like a “good host and a mother” to all the strays that come by…I have no doubts about her “helping hand” to me… though Tam Tam has got only 3 legs .. the leg had to be amputated because of accident or whatever I do not know because she appeared to me with her leg being injured and the bone came out of her flesh. Today though 3 legged, she hops and runs fast like a normal 4 legged cat:)


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