Little meow found at the “padang”

Please dont take away kittens from their mother and separate from their mother. The kittens are too tiny to survive. This was found at the field and being attacked by other bigger cats. Lucky he was rescued and passed on to me. Pictures tell all. Lucky I found someone to give the feeding of milk during day time and evening it was returned to me.

Meow meow had a bit of love from Mini the mother cat that was spayed and with me. Mini had earlier 5 kittens but did not surive. Mini was sick and after medication now is fat and well. Mini licked meow meow and that was a good sight to see. Mini is not Meow’s

mother, but Mini gave the motherly love…


Crying forĀ  his little milk bottle…!!

Now quiet... and hepi...

Mini - the once mother cat licking on little meow


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